On a Late Accident at Sea
Serene was the night, and the Moon's trembling beam
Was bright on the breast of the smooth gliding stream,
And gallant and trim, o'er that deep swelling tide,
The vessel mov'd on, like a Queen in her pride;
And many firm hearts, many sweet forms were there -
The boat of the brave and the flower of the fair;
And none thought of danger - there beam'd in each eye
The glad rays of hope, expectation and joy.
In a moment the fatal concussion was felt,
Which made the stout heart of the boldest to melt,
As wildly as the waters rush'd over each head!
One minute beheld them gay, living, and dead!
There was but one shriek, and soon that had pass'd -
But one, full of horror; the first and the last!
And then all was silent; the west winds' soft breath
Scarce ruffled that wave of destruction and death!
Published in The Great Northern Advertiser and Commercial Herald, 25 March 1841.
Serene was the night, and the Moon's trembling beam
Was bright on the breast of the smooth gliding stream,
And gallant and trim, o'er that deep swelling tide,
The vessel mov'd on, like a Queen in her pride;
And many firm hearts, many sweet forms were there -
The boat of the brave and the flower of the fair;
And none thought of danger - there beam'd in each eye
The glad rays of hope, expectation and joy.
In a moment the fatal concussion was felt,
Which made the stout heart of the boldest to melt,
As wildly as the waters rush'd over each head!
One minute beheld them gay, living, and dead!
There was but one shriek, and soon that had pass'd -
But one, full of horror; the first and the last!
And then all was silent; the west winds' soft breath
Scarce ruffled that wave of destruction and death!
Published in The Great Northern Advertiser and Commercial Herald, 25 March 1841.